Wednesday, April 4, 2012

March of Dimes Walk

The March of Dimes walk is approaching and as hard as it can be sometimes, this event really makes me thankful for what I have and what we are able to do to help others. We will be walking again this year to honor and remember Henry and support this wonderful organization. This will be our third year walking and each year, the dynamic and feelings change and it has really become a part of our life that is kind of set. In January, I look up the date and put it on our annual calendar and plan around it for the rest of the year. The first year we walked, it was rainy and dreary and cold. Which was exactly how I felt inside, just 8 months after losing Henry and having gone through another miscarriage just the week before the walk. We didn't even walk the entire way and jumped on the train and went home, but I was glad we did it. Last year, we were joined by close friends and it was an amazing experience. I am actually looking forward to the walk this year and feel good that we can help premature babies and others going through what we went through. It has been therapeutic for us in the last few years since losing Henry and I love that each year, new friends join us and contribute to help make our team honoring Henry a success. Check out our March for Babies page to see more information and join our team or make a donation!